In Practice Issue 78: Renewable Energy (Dec 2012)


Meeting Europe’s Renewable Energy Targets in Harmony with Nature
Ivan Scrase and Benedict Gove

Biodiversity and Energy Crops in Wales
Fred Slater CEnv FIEEM

Role of the ECoW on Clyde Wind Farm
Joe Deimel MIEEM

Wind Speed and Bat Activity: Assessing and Mitigating the Effects of Wind Turbines
Mike Gray CEnv MIEEM, Peter Owens MIEEM and Mike Armitage CEnv MIEEM

How Not to Write an Ecological Impact Assessment
Katherine Drayson and Stewart Thompson MIEEM

Improving the Evidence in Evidence-Based Conservation
John Altringham

Standardised Biodiversity Quality Assessment: Lichens and Bryophytes as Bioindicators?
Violaine Drapeau, Alan Feest MIEEM and Kate Hayward MIEEM

Ecology Legal Update: Court case on “deliberate killing” of birds and bats by wind turbines
Penny Simpson

The Institute Now Has a Competency Framework
Steve Pullan CEnv FIEEM

IEEM Survey of Working Practices

Renewable Energy and Biodiversity Impacts: IEEM Autumn Conference Report

IEEM-RES Conference 2012: Invertebrates in Environmental Impact Assessments

A Royal Charter at last!

Best Practice Awards 2012