Homeowners and developers often require an ecologist or environmental manager to undertake ecological surveys and mitigation work in relation to a building project. Contracting a CIEEM member means that you are engaging a professional whose competence has been assessed as part of their membership registration. You also have access to a complaints procedure if things go wrong (see below).
The best way to find someone to help you* is through our Registered Practices Directory. Registered Practices are committed to ensuring that all their ecologists and environmental managers are working to high standards and undertake regular continuing professional development.
Search the Registered Practices Directory
* If, as a CIEEM member, you are looking for sub-contractors, please log into the members’ area of the website to search the Sub-Contractors Directory.
Further Information
Users of the Registered Practices Directory may find the following information helpful.
Our Guide to Ecological Surveys and their Purpose describes different types of survey reports that you may be asked for by a planning authority.
A Householder’s Guide to Engaging an Ecologist provides advice on how to ensure that you get the services that you need for your project when asking for quotes.
What to Expect from a Bat Survey: A Guide for UK Homeowners explains in more detail the process for commissioning bat surveys, which are often required for planning applications.
Our advice note on Permitted Development Rights and Biodiversity provides useful information on the application of the system in England.
If you have a problem with the consultant(s) you have engaged, you should ask to see their complaints policy (all Registered Practices must have one) and make a complaint. If you are still not satisfied, then you can make a complaint to CIEEM.