Carbon and Ecosystems: Restoration and Creation to Capture Carbon

This report is written by Penny Anderson BSc. MSc. CEcol FCIEEM(rtd).

Penny said:

When CIEEM declared both a climate emergency and a diversity crisis, our Action 2030 Group identified the lack of readily accessible information and advice on the carbon implications and potential of habitat restoration and creation and thus encouraged me to review the literature to provide some guidance on the subject. This was first published online in 2021 but the science is racing ahead which necessitated a review and update only 2 years on. By the time you read this, I will be needing to repeat the exercise! The update takes us up to March 2023 in terms of the available literature.

If you know of other relevant research or reviews which I can incorporate in the next version or which we can explain, expound or explore on the 2030 website or in blogs for other CIEEM members, then let me know.

Penny is a professional ecologist specialising in habitat creation, restoration and management.