A survey of 30 sites thought to support the habitat 1220 Vegetated shingle was completed between 23rd May and 28th September 2016. The individual site reports for these nine sites present the monitoring data and conservation condition for each of these sand dune habitats, in addition to 1220 Vegetated shingle. The individual site reports also discuss management issues for each site, including coastal defences, agriculture, recreation, litter and non-native invasive species.
This is part of our Good Practice Guidance for Habitats and Flora, produced by Richard Jefferson, Dominic Price, Iain Diack, Steve Coates and Andy Mclay.
Reference: Martin, J.R., Daly, O.H. and Devaney F.M. (2017) Survey and assessment of vegetated shingle and associated habitats at 30 coastal sites in Ireland. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. 98. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Ireland.