Lunchtime Chats with Ciaran Cronin: An Introduction to the use of Detection Dogs for use in Ecology & Conservation

The talk will introduce you to the capabilities and uses of detection dogs for ecological research and conservation purposes.  We will look at the effectiveness of dogs, but also the limitations, and how you might proceed to engage a dog team, based on the questions I regularly get asked.

Ciarán is a highly active and experienced ecologist, birdwatcher and general naturalist, with over 35 years of bird identification experience, and over 20 years as a professional ornithologist and ecologist. As a recognised expert in the field, Ciarán runs bird identification courses nationally for professional ecologists, is a trainer/assessor for the international ESAS seabird survey method, is a former member of the Irish Rare Birds Committee, committee member of the Irish Raptor Study Group and international wildlife tour guide with National Geographic/Lindblad Expeditions.

Over the last number of years Ciarán has been training and developing skills as a wildlife detection dog handler. Along with his wife Abi he currently operates a number of wildlife detection dogs, mostly focused on the location of bat and bird carcasses at windfarms in Ireland. They are currently the only certified Conservation Detection Dog Handlers in the Republic of Ireland (Lantra Accreditation).

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