Estimates of Cetacean Abundance in European Atlantic waters in Summer 2016

This report summarises design-based estimates of abundance from the SCANS-III aerial and shipboard surveys for harbour porpoise, bottlenose dolphin, Risso’s dolphin, white-beaked dolphin, white-sided dolphin, common dolphin, striped dolphin, pilot whale, all beaked whale species combined, sperm whale, minke whale and fin whale.

This is part of our Good Practice Guidance for Marine Mammals, produced by Claire Lacey, Jon Barnes and Patrick Lynes.

Reference:  Hammond P.S., Lacey, C., Gilles, A., Viquerat, S., Börjesso, P., Herr, H., Macleod, K, Ridoux, V., Santos, M.B., Scheidat, M., Teilmann J., Vingada, J., Øien, N. (2017) Estimates of cetacean abundance in European Atlantic waters in summer 2016 from the SCANS-III aerial and shipboard surveys. SCANS 40pp.