In Practice Issue 98: Nature Conservation on a Shoestring (Dec 2017)

Featured Articles

Conservation on a Shoestring: The Mutualistic Benefits of University – Nature Reserve Collaborations
Sarah L. Taylor, Andrew J. Hunt and Khaled de Jesus

Working for Wildlife – Environmental Partnerships between Water Companies and Wildlife Trusts
Stuart Pudney, Anne Porter and Charlotte Bradbury

Network Rail’s Strategic Approach to Net Positive Biodiversity and UK Conservation Benefit
Octavia Neeves

Saving the Small Things that Run the Planet – Conservation on a Shoestring
Paul Hetherington

Pantheon: A New Resource for Invertebrate Survey Standards and Analysis
David Heaver, Jon Webb, David Roy, Hannah Dean, Martin Harvey, Craig Macadam and Jon Curson

Bat Guano Fertiliser: A Novel Method of Encouraging Conservation of Tropical Bats on a Shoestring
Kathy Halsall

Practicalities and Problem Solving: Orchid Translocation in Oxfordshire
Samantha Hursey and Katrena Stanhope

How Many Great Crested Newts Can Terrestrial Habitats Support?
John Box

Professional Updates

ALERC Accreditation: Quality Assurance for Local Environmental Records Centres.
Tom Hunt, Camilla Burrow and Hannah Cook

A Guide to Good Practice Guidance: A new resource for CIEEM members
Sally Hayns

Level 7 Apprenticeships on the Horizon: Are You Ready to Embrace Them?
Max Wade and Debbie Bartlett

Implications of Brexit for Devolved Environmental Law in Scotland: Update
Chris Cathrine

CIEEM Awards 2018
Sally Hayns

Changes to CIEEM’s Membership Abeyance Processes
Stuart Parks

A Modern Tree Charter
John Jackson