Planning for Success: Maximising Biodiversity Through Planning and Strategic Land Use Management
Llandudno, 19th-20th November 2019.
Day 1: SESSION 1: Strategic approaches to land use to benefit biodiversity
Stepping up to the Plate: The Importance of Leadership and Management Skills in the Profession
Sarah Simons CEnv MCIEEM, Arcadis Ltd
Adaptive Planning for a Wilder Future, Where Opportunities for Wildlife are Optimised
Mike Alexander MCIEEM, Wildlife Trust South and West Wales
Integrating Ecosystem Services into Environmental Decision Making
Dr Alina Congreve and Dr Iain Cross, Independent researchers at St Mary’s University
Planning for Resilient Ecological Networks in Wales
Dr Jim Latham, Team Leader Biodiversity Policy and Strategy, Natural Resources Wales
Planning for Natural Capital at Local Authority Level in England
Tim Sunderland, Natural England
Using a Novel Planning Mechanism to Deliver Good Biodiversity Outcomes – A Case Study from Dorset
Julian Arthur and Dr Annabel King, Tyler Grange & Dorset Council
Day 1: SESSION 2: Delivering BNG
From Strategy to Policy Through to Delivery
David Lowe MCIEEM, Warwickshire County Council
Greening Greater Manchester – Biodiversity Net Gain for a City Region
Tom Butterworth MCIEEM, WSP & Rachel Hoskin MCIEEM, Footprint Ecology
Penmanshiel Compensatory Replanting Scheme: An Innovative Approach to Compensating for Woodland Loss
Andy Tharme MCIEEM, Scottish Borders Council
Conservation Sheriffs – Protecting Wildlife in the BNG Wild West
Rachel Giles, Cheshire Wildlife Trust
Ensuring Net Gain for People as Well as Biodiversity
Dr Julia Baker CEnv MCIEEM, Balfour Beatty
The Internet of Environment: Future of Environmental Consultancy
Jonny Riggall, Peter Brett Associates LLP, now part of Stantec
Day 2: SESSION 1: Green Infrastructure and EcIA Standards
A Spatial Strategy for London’s Urban Forest Plan
Matt Davies, Maplango
Building with Nature: Setting the Biodiversity Standard for Green Infrastructure
Gemma Jerome, Building with Nature
Raising Standards: A New Checklist for Ecological Impact Assessment Reports
Mike Dean CEcol CEnv FCIEEM, Chair of CIEEM’s Professional Standards Committee
Day 2: SESSION 2: Species Solutions
Matt Ellis and Huw Evans, Natural Resources Wales
Effective Tools for Strategic Landscape-Scale Planning for Bats
Fiona Mathews MCIEEM, University of Sussex
Using Innovative Technology to help Understand Environment/Species Interactions
Johanna Breyer, Environment Systems Ltd
Dr Claire Narraway, Earthwatch Europe
Applying Bird Survey Datasets and Models to Planning and Landscape Design
Gavin Siriwardena and Kate Plummer, British Trust Ornithology