UN’s Fifth Global Biodiversity Outlook Highlights Failure in Meeting Aichi Targets

The United Nations Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity has published its Fifth Global Biodiversity Outlook report which highlights the lack of global policy action over the last decade to meet the 2020 Aichi biodiversity targets.

The analysis shows that none of the targets have been achieved in full and just six of the 20 goals, including expansion of protected areas and eradications of invasive species, have been “partially achieved”.

The report also highlights progress in reducing deforestation, the rate of which has fallen by one-third. However, degradation and fragmentation of habitats including forests remains high.

It is noted that on the current trajectory, biodiversity will continue to decline, so the CBD Secretariat has called for a “portfolio of actions” to realise the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity. This includes “enhanced conservation and restoration of ecosystems; climate change mitigation; action on pollution, invasive alien species, and overexploitation; more sustainable production of goods and services; and reduced consumption and waste.”

Next year, at COP15 of the Convention on Biological Diversity, world leaders will gather and agree to a new 10-year global framework for biodiversity-related policy-making, and will set new goals for the protection of nature up to 2030.