Assessment & Mitigation of Air Quality Impacts on Biodiversity
Sheffield, 4th March.
Welcome, Introduction, and Housekeeping
Max Wade CEcol CEnv FCIEEM
Dutch Disaster. Or: How to Prevent Significant Effects of Nitrogen Deposition on Nature (and Politics)
Dick Bal, Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality
Air Quality and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA): De minimis Caselaw
Penny Simpson, Freeths
Air Quality Assessments Under the Habitats Regulations – The Importance of a Site’s Conservation Objectives and Why We Need to Agree a Robust Approach to the Setting of De minimis Values
Dr Caroline Chapman MCIEEM, DTA Ecology Ltd
How Do We Ensure Better Consistency Within Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) Across Local Authorities Whose Development/ Forecast Growth May Affect the Same Habitats Sites?
Joanna Rochfort and Owen Peat MCIEEM, WSP
Nox and Ammonia from Road Traffic – Some Inconvenient Truths
Dr Ben Marner, Air Quality Consultants Ltd
AmmoniaN2K: Improving Environmental Assessments for Atmospheric Ammonia
Dr David Kelleghan GradCIEEM, University College Dublin
Discussion Panel ‘Critical Loads and Levels, Lines in the Sand or Rule of Thumb?’
Spatial Targeting of Mitigation for Effective Reduction of Atmospheric Nitrogen Input to Sensitive Habitats and Designated Nature Conservation Sites
Dr Ulli Dragosits, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Can Semi-Natural Habitats Recover from Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition?
Dr Carly Stevens, Lancaster University
How the Environment Agency Uses Monitoring, Modelling and the Systems Approach when Assessing Potential and Actual Air-quality Impacts
Richard Gould, Environment Agency
The Confounded and the Confounding: A Case Study into Air Quality and the Heathlands of Hampshire’s New Forest
Ben Kite CEcol MCIEEM and Andrew Cross MCIEEM, Ecological Planning &
Research Ltd