Becoming a CIEEM Fellow

Eligibility Criteria

The principal eligibility criterion to become a CIEEM Fellow is that you should have made a significant contribution to the profession. This could be through one or more particularly noteworthy achievements or by a sustained and influential contribution over a number of years in one or more of the areas described below. Fellows should also be highly respected and have unimpeachable integrity. This will be confirmed by your sponsors and by the evidence in the testimonial and application documents.

A significant contribution to our profession is defined as:

  • Research which has practical application in the profession of ecology and environmental management.
  • Establishing or raising professional standards through developments in training, quality standards or methods.
  • Influencing the evolution of policies or legislation relating to the natural environment.
  • Promotion of ecological professionalism among employers, organisations, companies and other institutes.
  • Innovation through establishing new partnerships, leadership, techniques or awareness for ecological professionalism.
  • The practical application of the principles of ecology and environmental management, including to biodiversity conservation.

Applying to become a CIEEM Fellow

Our Fellowship Application Guidance details what is required in order to become a CIEEM Fellow and we would encourage you to read this. However, a brief overview is provided below.

There are two application routes: self-nomination or peer nomination. For self-nomination the applicant themselves will take the lead in initiating and completing the application. For peer-nomination, one or both Supporters will take the lead, having first checked to see that the member is willing to be nominated as a Fellow.

For self-nomination, the applicant should complete the application and submit it by email to the Secretariat ( for assessment by the Fellowship Assessment Panel.

The application should include the following:

You must be a Full Member of CIEEM at the time of making the application for election as a Fellow.  Both sponsors must be either Full Members or Fellows of CIEEM. No more than one sponsor should be from the institution, practice, company or organisation where you currently work and they should not, except in exceptional circumstances, be the lead sponsor.

For peer-nomination, the lead sponsor should complete the application and submit it by email to the Secretariat ( for assessment by the Fellowship Assessment Panel. The member, who must be a Full member of CIEEM at the time of making the application, must be aware that an application is being submitted on their behalf and they must have indicated that they would be willing to accept Fellowship if the nomination is successful. Alternatively, the nominee can submit the completed application that their sponsors have helped to prepare.

The application should include the following:

The nomination could also include appendices containing any other material which the applicant considers would be appropriate as evidence.

Both sponsors must be either Full Members or Fellows of CIEEM. No more than one sponsor should be from the institution, practice, company or organisation where the nominee currently works and they should not, except in exceptional circumstances, be the lead sponsor.

The Assessment Process

All applications are checked for completeness by the Secretariat before being submitted to a Fellowship Assessment Panel. Where a recommendation of the award of Fellowship is to be made a summary report is produced and presented to the Governing Board with a recommendation for approval. The applicant is then notified of the outcome of the application by the Secretariat. Please note that the Governing Board meets quarterly, so it can take up to four months for an application to be assessed and then considered.

Further Information

For further information about the fellowship application process please contact the Secretariat.