Autumn Conference – Call for Papers
This is a time of opportunity. With green infrastructure planning, biodiversity net gain, natural capital assets, ecosystem services assessment and nature recovery networks – there has never been more emphasis on the environment in the planning and land use system. But how can we influence their development and delivery to achieve the best outcomes for biodiversity at national, regional and local scales?
This two-day conference will examine the role of strategic plans in supporting biodiversity enhancement, explore how interdisciplinary collaboration leads to better outcomes for all and invite speakers and attendees to share best practice in maximising biodiversity through the planning system.
This is your chance to help shape these interactions.
We are inviting papers on the subject of Planning for Success: Maximising Biodiversity Through Planning and Strategic Land Use Management, to be presented and discussed at our Autumn Conference in Llandudno on 19 and 20 November 2019.
We would welcome your submission for a talk. The deadline for submissions is Tuesday 23rd July.
Visit the conference page for more information and to submit.