Ecologist (Transport Infrastructure Ireland)

Role and Responsibilities

The principal duties of the positions will include:

  • Provide day to day support to TII Environmental Policy & Compliance Section in the areas of appropriate assessment screening and appropriate assessment for all TII works as required by the 2011 Habitat Regulations.
  • Support the activities of the Section in reviewing biodiversity chapters of environmental impact assessment reports and natura impact statements to ensure best practice ecological principles were applied during the preparation of such documentation.
  • Actively contribute to the development of new standards related to ecological impact assessment, ecological surveying and appropriate assessment.
  • Provide ecological advice in the context of TII’s role under Section 51C of the Roads Act, 1993, as amended, which requires TII to supervise local authority compliance with environmental conditions associated with national road projects (that required EIA).
  • Liaise with: the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage; National Parks and Wildlife; and other stakeholder relevant to ecology, on all ecological matters related to the planning, construction and operation of major transport infrastructure projects, when appropriate.
  • Provide advice on techniques for mitigating the impacts of transport infrastructure on various fauna e.g. (bats, birds or invertebrates), flora (e.g. rare plants), vegetation communities, or terrestrial, marine or freshwater habitats (e.g. Annex I habitats).
  • In consultation with network operations, support the Section’s activities in all matters related to the management and eradication of invasive plant species on the national road network and other public transport infrastructure.
  • Liaise with the National Biodiversity Data Centre, collate and analyse all ecological data to support the assessment of ecological impacts of infrastructure projects,
  • Assist in the preparation of responses to parliamentary questions and questions from members of the public as well as supporting the Section in the preparation of materials requested under the Freedom of Information and Access to Environmental Information legislation.
  • Participate in the development and contribute to the content of the environmental section on the TII website.
  • Attend/present at relevant conferences on behalf of TII.
  • Support TII’s research projects related to biodiversity.
  • Undertaking such tasks, activities or other duties as may be required or assigned.

How to Apply

The booklet and guidance on how to apply are available in the TII careers site at Careers (