In Practice Issue 82: Countryside Management (Dec 2013)


The Farmed Countryside – Maximising the Benefits for Wildlife: Land-Sharing and the Opportunities for Functional Agro-Biodiversity
Debbie Bartlett FCIEEM   

Creating and Managing Grassland for Breeding Waders on the Lincolnshire Coastal Grazing Marshes
Caroline Steel CEnv MCIEEM, Chris Manning CEnv MCIEEM and Roger Wardle CEnv

Reconstructing Lost Landscapes as a Tool for Ecologists and Environmental Managers: A Case Study from Huntingdonshire
Jason Peters

A Comparison of the Invertebrate Value of Brownfield Sites with Greenfield Sites and Local Nature Reserves in England and Wales
Jonty Denton MCIEEM

Classification of badger setts Meles meles in the UK: A Review and Guidance for Surveyors
Richard Andrews CEnv MCIEEM

NatureSpot: A Web-Based Tool for Supporting Biological Recording and Mapping Across the Counties of Leicestershire and Rutland
James Calow CEnv MCIEEM, David Nicholls and Graham Calow

Issues in Survey Reliability: Launch of a Survey of CIEEM Members
Andrew Cherrill CEnv MCIEEM

CIEEM Autumn Conference 2013

The Chartered Ecologist Register

CIEEM Awards 2013

End of an Era? Penny Anderson’s Retirement