Our Position on Welsh Government’s Green Infrastructure Guidance
The CIEEM Wales Policy Group has produced a position statement on Welsh Government’s intended green infrastructure guidance.
In December 2018, Edition 10 of Planning Policy Wales (PPW) was published, setting out a new strategy for the delivery of development and planning decisions within Wales. Embedded within the document are principles enshrined within the Well-being of Future Generations Act (2015), which places a legal obligation on statutory authorities to promote delivery of sustainable development, i.e. development that improves the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales.
In particular, PPW 10 places new emphasis on delivering multi-functional benefits within development through the provision of integrated green infrastructure. Following publication of PPW 10, Welsh Government intends to prepare guidance on green infrastructure and its delivery within the planning system.
This statement, produced by the CIEEM Wales Policy Group, sets out our position and recommendations for this guidance.