Local Nature Reserve Grassland credit Graham Peets

World Environment Day and Volunteer Week 2024 – Join us at Restore Nature Now

World Environment Day

It’s World Environment Day!

If you do one thing for nature today please pledge to march with us on 22 June in London.


Thousands of people will be taking to the streets of London to demand that our politicians #RestoreNatureNow.

The UK is one of the world’s most nature-depleted countries. We need the next UK Government to transform the UK from a nation of nature loss to a nation of nature leaders. Your voice matters, and together, we can make a difference! 

71% of the public think politicians aren’t protecting UK nature enough for future generations. And 62% think that nature is in a bad state and that this will continue or worsen.

But there is hope! By joining together our voice is louder and stronger. Unity is our superpower!

So if you do one thing this World Environment Day, pledge to march for a greener tomorrow. 


Volunteer Week

And in a double whammy, it’s also Volunteer Week! 

Consider volunteering as a steward at the Restore Nature Now march. It’s a chance to stand up for our environment & make a tangible impact. Could you join as a steward and help ensure a safe and powerful event? Every hand counts in the fight for our planet!

Find out more and sign up at: www.restorenaturenow.com/volunteer
