Phasing in of wildlife licence charges will start with dormouse mitigation and bats licences
Natural England have announced they will begin phasing in charges for wildlife licenses, starting with the dormouse mitigation license (A35) from 1 April 2019 and bat licenses (A13, A34 and CL21 site registration) from 22 April 2019.
Implementation of charges for the badger licences (A29 and CL35 site registration) is provisionally timetabled for May with great crested newts and other species to follow later in the year.
Final confirmation of these dates for dormouse and bat mitigation licences will be given ahead of implementation. Applications (including modifications and resubmissions) received before the charging implementation date will not be charged for, even if our assessment has not been completed.
Details of how the charges will be implemented will be sent through regular issues of the Wildlife Licensing newsletter.