People and Nature Survey for England
Natural England’s People and Nature Survey for England is now available with new monthly interim indicators for COVID-19 data collected during 1-31 July 2020.
Almost half the population (46%) say that they are spending more time outside than before COVID-19 (up from 44% in June and 26% in May). With 42% of adults reporting that ‘nature and wildlife is more important than ever to my wellbeing’ and 35% visiting local green and natural spaces more often.
Just under a quarter (23%) of adults had not spent any time in green and natural spaces in the previous two weeks. When these adults were asked about their worries and concerns related to visiting green and natural spaces, 43% were worried about contracting or spreading coronavirus while visiting green and natural spaces and 26% were concerned about breaking coronavirus restrictions.
Urban green spaces continue to be the most popular type of green space visited, with 50% of adults reporting a visit in the last month. One in four (24%) of adults reported a visit to the seaside in July.
There has been an increase in the percentage of adults who think that learning outside or about nature is especially important for their child at this time (28% of adults with children, up from 19% in June and May).
Nearly half of adults with children believe their child seems happier when they have spent time outside (46%, up from 36% in June and 40% in May).