Strategic Policy Panel

Our Strategic Policy Panel (SPP) is a sub-committee of the Governing Board, which aims to:

  • Provide strategic leadership on the development and delivery of our policy positions and activities.
  • Provide strategic horizon-scanning and monitoring of external issues relevant to our work to identify areas of policy that we need to be proactive in.
  • Provide strategic oversight for partnerships and liaise with appropriate bodies in England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, Europe and internationally.
  • Guide, independently or with other organisations, responses to UK, Irish, European and international policy issues, for example, through consultation responses.
  • Guide the publishing of our reports and/or position briefings that inform policy-making and the public.
  • Guide the organisation of, or participation in, relevant meetings and events that communicate ecological science and practice to public and policy audiences.
  • Ensure that our views concerning relevant policy issues are represented to government, other bodies and the public.
  • Ensure that we are recognised by relevant external stakeholders as the voice of the profession.

The Strategic Policy Panel works in collaboration with the Country Policy Working Groups.

Current members of the SPP

  • Ben Kite CEcol MCIEEM (Chair)
  • Felicite Dodd MCIEEM
  • Helen Evriviades MCIEEM
  • Martina Girvan CEcol MCIEEM
  • Paul Goriup CEcol CEnv FCIEEM
  • Arthur Keller MCIEEM(rtd)
  • Sarah Kydd CEcol MCIEEM
  • Craig Llewellyn MCIEEM
  • Orla Maguire CEnv MCIEEM
  • Brandon Murray MCIEEM
  • Malcom Robertson CEnv MCIEEM
  • Bill Wadsworth CEnv MCIEEM
  • Mike Willis CEcol FCIEEM
  • Gavin Wilson MCIEEM

For more information on the SPP please contact