Here you will find our response to the Scottish Government consultation on proposals to amend Scottish Government policy on the protection afforded to certain Ramsar features (closed 7th February 2025).
This response was developed by our Scotland Policy Group.
Key points:
- Equal Protection for Ramsar Sites: Ramsar natural features should have the same level of protection as European Sites (SACs/SPAs) under Habitat Regulation Appraisal, aligning with the UK’s international treaty commitments.
- Designation Alignment: All qualifying Ramsar sites and features should be designated as SAC/SPA, including those currently only designated as SSSI. This approach is more efficient since most Ramsar sites in Scotland are already European Sites, except Loch an Duin in Benbecula.
- Policy Amendment Concerns: The proposed policy amendment to develop new Conservation Objectives and guidance for Ramsar features might be unnecessary. Existing SAC/SPA designations and their conservation objectives could address the gap in protection more effectively.
- Implementation Caution: If the policy amendment proceeds, its implementation should not impose excessive burdens on NatureScot or Local Authorities. New objectives could largely align with those of the underlying European sites.
- Urgency and Complexity Issues: The issue affects few sites and is not seen as urgent. Overlapping designations and non-aligned boundaries can confuse land managers, leading them to focus on simpler designations like SSSI. Guidance should address this issue.
- Planning Policy and Evidence: Any approach to closing the protection gap must be supported by rigorous assessment, evidence gathering, and consultation to ensure effective planning policy application.
- Marine Considerations: Many Ramsar sites include marine components, so the proposal must align with both the National Marine Plan (NMP) and its upcoming revision (NMP2), in addition to NPF4.