How You Can Address the Climate Emergency and Biodiversity Crisis

One of the key aims of the Action 2030 group is to provide information and advice to members on how they can help to address the climate emergency and biodiversity crisis through their professional work. A summary of our Action 2030 project to date was published in the June 2020 edition of In Practice. In a blog for World Environment Day 2020, CIEEM Head of Policy and Communications, Jason Reeves, also provides a backdrop to why we are in a climate emergency and biodiversity crisis and how we can all step up and take action.

We will be working to deliver webinars, training, conferences and articles on how we, as a sector, can go further to address these joint crises. Ecologists and environmental managers are already at the forefront in driving the recovery of the natural environment, but there is still work to be done by all to reverse the trends. Our 2020 Summer Conference, held jointly by Action 2030 and the Ecological Restoration and Habitat Creation Special Interest Group, looked at ‘Climate and Biodiversity Crises: Professional Approaches and Practical Actions’.

We will gather resources on this page over the coming months as they are published so please do check for updates.

banner image of green wall, wind turbines and housing

Carbon and Habitats

Carbon and Ecosystems: Restoration and Creation to Capture Carbon

This report by Penny Anderson BSc., MSc., CEcol, FCIEEM, focuses on carbon and ecosystems, identifying the contribution those especially in the UK can play in the race to capture more carbon from the atmosphere whilst at the same time addressing the biodiversity crisis and incorporating other ecosystem services. The report aims to inform fellow ecologists and environmental managers of these issues and any comments are welcomed.

Read the full report

How to Get More Wildlife into Your Garden and Absorb More Carbon – by Penny Anderson

This blog by Action 2030 group member, Penny Anderson, sets out how we can contribute to carbon sequestration and habitat for wildlife through our outdoor spaces, from window boxes to bin-lid ponds!

Blue Carbon: the Sea, the Coast and the Climate Crisis by Richard White and Amber Connett

This article, published in the December 2021 edition of In Practice, shows how coastal and marine habitats can absorb and lock away carbon and argues that this must be incorporated into national climate change accounting alongside terrestrial peatlands and woodlands, to drive protection, enhancement and restoration.

Reaching ‘Net-Zero’

Melody Stokes, a member of the Action 2030 Group, and Amber Connett, our former Policy and Communications Officer, ran a webinar titled ‘Climate Crisis: First Steps for Ecologists’. This webinar explains the basics of carbon reduction and some first steps that we and our organisations can take. It also explains the background of carbon reporting and how to report your carbon footprint, exploring Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. We introduced our own methods as an institute to explore how you can analyse your footprint and how to develop carbon reduction plans and monitor your success. Keep an eye out for more webinars coming soon!

Watch the webinar

Sustainable Transport in the Ecology Sector – by Jean Hamilton and Tamsin Morris

This article, published in the September 2020 edition of In Practice, was underpinned by a survey of our members on the barriers to using sustainable transport options at work and how we might address them! We would love to carry on the discussion and hear your tips and ideas on how we can all reduce carbon emissions in our day-to-day work over on LinkedIn!

45 Ways to Reduce Your Personal Carbon Footprint: These tips and tricks for reducing your personal carbon footprint were complied by our Action 2030 group. This brochure is intended to provide ideas and signpost existing advice and is not linked to professional guidance.

Carbon Offsetting to Achieve Net Zero by 2030 by John Box and Amber Connett

This article, published in the September 2021 edition of In Practice, discusses the issues surrounding the use of schemes to offset greenhouse gas emissions and presents a series of principles that projects should follow to ensure they are offering credible removal of greenhouse gases.

Pension providers

One of the first actions we have taken was to review our pension provider’s action on climate and biodiversity and the investment options that we use as a Secretariat. We already have an ethical investment option available but we were also keen to encourage our provider to go further by writing and requesting further information on how they will meet 2050 net zero targets and address the ongoing declines in biodiversity across all available options.

Our pension provider has responded setting out their commitments to:

  • Prepare a Climate Action Plan by October 2022
  • Assessing which 1.5 degree scenario they would need to follow to reach net zero
  • Launching new Environmental, Social and Governance policies and a responsible investment strategy (including protecting biodiversity)
  • Supporting the Taskforce for Nature-Related Financial Disclosures

We have now produced a template letter for you to use to contact your own pension provider and encourage them to consider how they can make a difference. The more specific to their investment packages the better, so we encourage you to review these first and make reference to them in the letter.

Letter Template 

Sustainable Environmental Solutions in Ecology

Sustainable Environmental Solutions in Ecology – by Ria Monckton and Rachael Maddison

This article, published in the September 2020 edition of In Practice, discusses the use of sustainable materials in ecology and environmental management. The article looks at alternative options in areas which currently use single use plastics and other potentially environmentally damaging materials. We would also love to hear your ideas for alternatives over on LinkedIn!

The Climate Emergency, Biodiversity Crisis and Mental Health

Ecologists and Environmental Managers dedicate their careers to addressing the climate emergency and biodiversity crisis. But being faced with such daunting and overwhelming challenges in our day-to-day work can leave many feeling anxious and dejected.

This webinar explores eco-anxiety and why we feel it. Elouise and Caroline will discuss the roots of eco-anxiety and top tips for coping with climate emergency and biodiversity crisis-related stress. The webinar rounds up with a Q&A session and discussion.

Watch the webinar