CIEEM Launches 2022 Employment and Salary Survey

CIEEM has launched its 2022 Employment and Salary Survey for the ecology and environmental management sector. This triennial survey (postponed from 2021 due to Covid) will provide a snapshot of how the sector is faring compared to the last survey in 2018. It is happening against a  backdrop of increasing concern regarding pay, particularly for junior ecologists and environmental managers, and working conditions despite the high levels of public and political attention given to tackling the biodiversity and climate emergencies.

Sally Hayns, CEO of CIEEM, said:

At a time of unprecedented focus on the need to restore damaged ecosystems we need to understand how resilient the profession is and how attractive to future recruitment. Historically the profession has been undervalued and underpaid, but in some instances it has perhaps been its own worst enemy. Gaining the knowledge and qualifications needed for a career in the sector is challenging and needs to be rewarded with decent pay and working conditions because being passionate about the work is not enough. This survey will tell us how things are going and will provide valuable data to the work that CIEEM is doing with employers to improve employment experience and increase the attractiveness of the profession.

The more members that take part in the survey, the more robust the data will be as a result. CIEEM will publish a summary report of the findings in April. The deadline for completing the survey is 18 February 2022.

So, if you’re an ecologist or environmental manager, then please have your say in the survey here.