Historic England publishes new guidance on Building Works and Bats

The new guidance has been developed in collaboration with the Bat Conservation Trust, National Trust, Natural England and English Heritage.

All UK bats are protected by law. This new guidance is intended to help property owners and all involved in managing, maintaining or making changes to buildings, or using the buildings, avoid infringing the law.

The guidance covers:

  1. Why Bats Use Buildings
  2. British Bats and Their Life Cycles
  3. What To Do if You Find a Bat
  4. Buildings, Bats and the Law
  5. Bat Mitigation Licences
  6. Bat Surveys
  7. Planning Changes to Buildings with Bats
  8. Timber Treatments and Pest Control
  9. Works to Roofs, Walls and Building Services
  10. Managing Properties for Bats and People

More information.