Sally Hayns

Sally has been an ecologist for more than 30 years, working primarily in the eNGO and public sectors across a range of challenging and enjoyable roles. She joined the (then) Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management as CEO in 2010 and has been instrumental in driving forward change within the Institute and the profession. Under her stewardship, the Institute gained its Royal Charter in 2013 and has seen steady membership growth. Sally has spearheaded the development and introduction of a Competency Framework for the profession, which now forms the basis for membership and chartered ecologist grades and assessment, reinvigorated our approach to the Institute’s policy and influencing work, launched our annual Awards and consistently promoted the ecology and environmental management profession as a key player in action to address the environmental challenges we face. Sally is also a member of the Government’s Green Jobs Delivery Group. Sally is passionate about the need for change within the profession to become more diverse and inclusive and ‘fit for purpose’, to embrace new technologies and innovations, and for practitioners to be proud of the work they do. Outside of work, Sally is a keen walker and dog owner, an optimistic (some would say misguidedly so) Portsmouth FC supporter and an avid England Test cricket fan.