This guidance document provides advice aimed at developers of marine renewable energy installations (MREIs) on the use of static passive acoustic monitoring (PAM)
devices for monitoring vocalising cetaceans around MREIs.
This is part of our Good Practice Guidance for Marine Mammals, produced by Claire Lacey, Jon Barnes and Patrick Lynes.
Reference: Embling, C. B.1,2, Wilson, B.3 , Benjamins, S.3 , Pikesley, S.1 , Thompson, P.4 , Graham, I.4 , Cheney, B.4 , Brookes, K.L.5 , Godley, B. J.1 & Witt, M. J.6 (2014) Use of Static Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) for monitoring cetaceans at Marine Renewable Energy Installations (MREIs) for Marine Scotland 26pp.