Bridging the skills gap in ecology careers

Introducing our final report and educational resources for young learners

The ecology sector is facing a growing skills gap. To address this, CIEEM has collaborated with Marine Ecologist and STEM Ambassador, Ashleigh Kitchiner, to develop a suite of educational resources aimed at 13–16-year-olds. These resources are designed to introduce students to careers in ecology, inspire their interest, and equip them with knowledge about the pathways available in the sector.

Current landscape

Initially Ashleigh collected data through a survey and two workshops with key stakeholders in this area. The report titled ‘Nature Career Resources; summarises these results and provides key insights into how we can bridge the gap.

Key insights:

  • Green careers are EVERYWHERE, we are not a closed off sector. Green jobs are found in every sector.
  • We need more collaboration between schools, industries, and environmental organisations to offer real-world experiences.
  • We need to create digital and inclusive resources that must be accessible, inclusive, and designed to accommodate diverse learning styles.
  • Be Practical! Focus on hands-on experiences and real-world examples to engage students and make nature careers feel tangible and achievable.

The report offers valuable insights for educators, career advisors, and students, supporting them in navigating ecology-focused careers.

Get involved

If you are interested in collaboration opportunities, workshops, or STEM initiatives, we would love to hear from you. As we expand our outreach, we are particularly keen to support more in-person activities and events.

Click here for the educational resources