Outcomes of Professional Conduct Hearings

Professional Conduct Hearings can result in five possible outcomes:

  1. Complaint not upheld

Based on the evidence that the Professional Conduct Panel was presented with and the work it has seen the complaint is not upheld.  We do not publish details of such inquiries unless the Member who was the Subject of the complaint specifically requests it.

  1. The Member receives a reprimand with advice

The Professional Conduct Panel upholds the complaint and makes the Member aware that, based on the evidence presented and the work it has seen, their professional practice has fallen short of the standard required.   The Professional Conduct Panel is satisfied that the Member is normally competent with respect to the work they undertake but may provide some advice as to future work.

  1. The Member receives a reprimand with sanctions

The Professional Conduct Panel upholds the complaint and makes the Member aware that, based on the evidence presented and/or the work it has seen, their professional practice has fallen significantly short of the standard required.   The Professional Conduct Panel can impose a range of sanctions proportionate to the seriousness of the breach. Typically, a Panel may require the Member to complete training within a specified time frame.   If the sanction is not met to the Panel’s satisfaction it may recommend further sanctions.

  1. Downgrading of the Member’s status

The Professional Conduct Panel upholds the complaint and, based on the Panel members serious concerns about the standard of work and conduct, recommends that the Member’s membership status and/or chartered status is downgraded to a category more appropriate for the level of competence demonstrated.

  1. Exclusion from CIEEM

The Member is excluded from the Institute for a specified period of time.  Re-application for membership can be made after this period has elapsed.


We publish the outcomes of recent Professional Conduct Hearings in accordance with the Professional Conduct Inquiries Publications Policy in place on the date of the hearing.


Complaints update: breaches of the Code of Professional Conduc


  • At a professional conduct hearing conducted on March 27th, 2024, it was determined that Miss Phillipa Stirling ACIEEM had breached Clauses 3 and 4 of the Code of Professional Conduct. As a result, Miss Stirling has been reprimanded and provided with advice.



  • At a professional conduct hearing conducted on 3rd May, 2024, it was determined that Mr Karl Forkasiewicz ACIEEM had breached Clauses 3, 4 and 6 of the Code of Professional Conduct. As a result, Mr Forkasiewicz has been reprimanded and provided with advice. Mr Forkasiewicz has now resigned from CIEEM.