Membership Fees

2025 Membership/Chartership Subscription Fees

Membership fees are reviewed annually and are subject to change to ensure we can meet our current costs and invest in new and improved services for all members. This year, it has proved necessary to apply a small increase to subscription fees in order to help cover increased overheads. The latest fees are detailed below. CIEEM reserves the right to change membership fees at any time.

Chartered Ecologist Chartered Environmentalist Fellow / Full Associate Qualifying / Retired Student*
Great Britain £67 £67 £215 £163 £83 £30
Ireland & Northern Ireland £67 £67 £199 £151 £83 £30
Ireland & Northern Ireland (Euro) €81 €81 €241 €183 €101 €37
International £67 £67 £110 £82 £42 £30
International (Euro) €81 €81 €133 €99 €51 €37
*Student members studying on a degree currently accredited by CIEEM are eligible for free membership.

Application Fees

Applications to Qualifying membership and higher are subject to a non-refundable administration fee on receipt of a completed form.

New applications

Grade applied for:
Full Associate Qualifying
£30 £30 £15
€36 €36 €18

Upgrade applications

Per submission*

*Qualifying members can opt to submit competencies incrementally. Please see the Evidence of Competence form for more information.

If your application is successful, an invoice for the appropriate subscription fee will be issued based on the relevant fees charged at the time of admission. Upgrade subscription fees are the difference in cost between the amount paid for your most recent renewal and the current subscription fee for the grade you are offered.

Subscription fee invoices are generated on a pro-rata basis for all applications to Qualifying membership and higher. Please note that the pro-rata discount is not applicable to applicants for Student membership, for whom the standard administration fee is waived instead.

Month application is successful  Proportion of subscription fee due 
Oct, Nov, Dec Full amount
 Jan, Feb, Mar Three quarters full amount
 Apr, May, Jun Half full amount
 Jul, Aug Quarter full amount
Sept Full amount for following year

If you wish to make a payment in Euros over the phone, please email Membership@CIEEM.Net to arrange a suitable time for someone in the team to phone you.

View our subscription and administration fee refund policy.