COVID-19: Yesterday’s Problem or Today’s Challenge?

The successful vaccination programme has seen the economy recovering, creating a sense of returning back to normal. The fact is that the virus which shook us to the core has not finished with us yet. With infection at alarmingly high rates, we are still not free of the virus and its potential to affect us, the businesses we work for and our families and friends. Members have been reporting high levels of colleagues being off ill with COVID-19, the collateral impact on others who need to isolate and on their work.

Taking the usual precautionary measures including mask wearing and high levels of personal hygiene, coupled with testing using lateral flow tests and periods of imposed isolation must remain the norm to protect our colleagues, families and friends.

Plan ahead to try to minimise the impact of colleagues, despite vaccination, becoming significantly unwell and/or the need for ten days of imposed isolation which can be very disruptive and damaging. Manage client expectations including regarding response times from statutory agencies who are also under considerable pressures. Keep in close and regular contact with sub-contractors and other support that you use or may need to use to help you and them to plan ahead.

All this adds up to maintaining high standards of biosecurity which makes sense, not just for ourselves and our colleagues, but as employees and employers we are still subject to legislation and directives through HSE and other regulatory bodies. We can also have restrictions and operational risk mitigation measures imposed on us by clients.

Max Wade CEcol CEnv FCIEEM
