CIEEM response to Welsh Government’s consultation on Net Zero Sector Skills

Here you will find our response to the Welsh Government’s consultation on Net Zero Sector Skills:

  • the findings of the Net Zero Skills Action Plan and the 8 emission sectors (as identified in Net Zero Wales)
  • the current position of sectors in Wales, including any established skills groups or research/evidence reports to help inform the future skills needs and evidence of demand linked to key milestones (to include climate change pathways, key investments or investment opportunities, changes in industry practices aligned to carbon reduction, new technologies, key developments, policies, transitioning activities etc.
  • cross-cutting themes of digital, procurement, Welsh language and Innovation to identify alignments and skills needs
  • employer challenges and barriers to upskilling and accessing a skilled workforce

This response was developed by CIEEM Wales Project Officer using information from our Green Jobs for Nature project, joint research by CIEEM and LANTRA, and contributions to In Practice 121.