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590 results found

A Fond Farewell to In Practice Editor honour and a privilege to be Editor of In Practice for the last seven years. Gill Kerby In Practice Editor 2014-2020 Gill Kerby (left) with CIEEM President Max Wade...

In Practice Issue 80: Green Infrastructure (June 2013)

Articles: Green Infrastructure: An Introduction Paul Roebuck MCIEEM The Blackwater Valley Road: using green infrastructure for ecological mitigation Suzanne Glencross MCIEEM, Steve Bailey MCIEEM and Claire Wansbury FCIEEM Dormouse Bridges...

In Practice Issue 79: Protected Species (March 2013)

...Alternative Approach to the Analysis and Interpretation of Large Amounts of Data Sandie Sowler and Neil Middleton AIEEM Automatic Recognition Systems for Bat Call Identification Dean Waters MIEEM and Kate...

Guidance for Authors

...climate change. Environmental Management (online) 10.1007/s00267-014-0254-6. Available at http// Accessed 15 November 2018. Morecroft, M. (2014). Climate Change Adaptation Manual. In Practice – Bulletin of the Chartered Institute of Ecology...

In Practice Issue 59: Ecology in Ireland (March 2008)

Articles: The Co-Evolution of Ecological Practice and Employment Opportunities in Engineering and Environmental Consultancies in Ireland Paul O’Donoghue CEnv MIEEM The Current Status of Habitat and Species Conservation in Northern...